Coming in at number nine, for no real easily explained reason, is Fissunix and his awesome bootleg of Marvin Gaye's "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" mashed with the Gramatik instrumental remix "Stairway to Hip Hop Heaven". Amazing. The video is equally impressive. Fissunix is one of my favorites, and choosing 5 songs was brutally hard. Luckily I have a few ideas I'm working on for the near future, so I already have a number of his tunes earmarked for later... All the songs can be played from the playlist at the bottom, if you prefer to skip the videos.
Fissunix - Ain't No Stairway High Enough to Hip Hop Heaven (Gramatik remashed)
http://youtu.be/iooXLA8-La0 - https://vimeo.com/19142214 - mp3 - Marvin Gaye "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" vs Led Zepplin v Gramatik "Stairway To Hip Hop Heaven"
http://soundcloud.com/fissunix/stairway-gramatik-remashed - http://official.fm/tracks/356673 - Ain't No Stairway High Enough to Hip Hop Heaven (Gramatik remashed)
Fissunix - Smoke on Babylon
http://soundcloud.com/fissunix/smoke-on-babylon - mp3 - Deep Purple "Smoke on the Water" vs The Black Keys "Goodbye Babylon"
Fissunix - I Was Made Just For Show
http://soundcloud.com/fissunix/i-was-made-just-for-show-kiss-vs-atmosphere - mp3 - Kiss "I Was Made For Loving You" vs Atmosphere "Just For Show"
Fissunix - Nuthin' But a George Thang
http://soundcloud.com/fissunix/nuthin-but-a-george-thang - mp3 - Dr. Dre & Snoop Dogg "Nuthin’ But a G Thang" vs George Michael "Faith"
Fissunix - I pOWNer YOU of equality
http://soundcloud.com/fissunix/i-powner-you-of-equality-red-hot-vs-wax-tailor - mp3 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Power of Equality" vs Wax Tailor "I Own You"
Boo hoo !!!!! Love the video.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting it. sell my house