Today I thought I would share a pair of Pink Floyd's "The Wall" remixes that I have been really enjoying lately. One is a couple years old, one is a couple weeks old. The newer one is a little more subtle (as a remix), and the older one is much more noticeably altered. I slightly prefer the older one, but love them both.
Tuesday was the anniversary of Al Capone's most notorious stunt ever. So let's all celebrate with a Valentine's Day Mashacre. I guess I will follow tradition and stick to some fairly typical Cupid stunts, I mean "romantic" mashups.
First up is a brand new mashup from the usually much less sappy Dj Schmolli (Just kidding, this really is a beautiful piece of work) combining two love songs with the same title.
Here is another mashup consisting of two identically titled love songs. This particular mash has been done by quite a few producers, but DeeM did it first.
Fissunix did an excellent little tune with a bit of help from the popular singing TV show Glee.
Fissunix - Video Kiss - mp3 - Lana Del Rey "Video Games" vs Glee Cast feat. Gwyneth Paltrow "Kiss"
Last, but not least, is my favorite love song of all time, remixed by my most favorite remixer. Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" as envisioned by Virgin Magnetic Material.
I know that I am more than a little late, but I still intend to go over last year's best mashups. I also intend to do the (extremely) long overdue overhaul of my on top ten list, but that will be later.
No year-end review (especially of mashups) would be possible without mentioning the master himself, DJ Earworm. Once again he has taken the year's Billboard top40 list and mashed it.
It really has been too long. I could easily come up with all sorts of reasons why I haven't posted here for so long, but it really comes down to procrastination. I have made many posts in my head, I just haven't actually finished any of them (and posted them).
I really don't think I have a whole lot of interest any more in sharing videos (here). I just don't have the time, and I especially don't have the data allowance to be streaming allot of video. The Android Soundcloud App is my very favorite (and most used) App on my phone. I use it every day, usually while multitasking. It is currently my primary data consumer, and I am already having great difficulty staying under my data cap. So what I am saying is, I believe that I will be changing my focus here from videos (YouTube, Vimeo) to mp3's (Soundcloud, I will probably still share the odd video now and then, but allowing myself to simplify things a bit by focusing on the music should (hopefully) make me more productive here.
Even though I have not been posting here lately, I have still been sharing a lot of music on my Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr accounts. Any one of which can pretty much be viewed as my own private radio show, playing the best Mashups and Remixes on Soundcloud.
Speaking of which, here are a few awesome Fleetwood Mac mixes and mashups that I have been enjoying immensely for the past few months. Up first are a bunch of very decent mashups from some of my favorite mashup producers, DJ Lobsterdust, The Reborn Identity, Instamatic and Colatron. Followed by some absolutely amazing remixes, so even if you're not really into mashups (which I know to be the case for a few of you - especially anything with Britney Spears), I still strongly recommend you check out the remixes at the end (and giving the mashups a fair chance!!)
Saving the (arguably) best for last, here are a trio of absolutely fantastic remixes. Two from my favorite remixer on the planet, Virgin Magnetic Material, and another from Eli Escobar, who has had the audacity to mess with a Stevie Nicks classic and create what just may be my very favorite remix ever (with a smidgen of help from Young Edits)!!