It has been a truly intense month. I didn't mean to neglect the Pit for so long, but I was quite occupied. A man died at my feet (on the sidewalk!) I wrapped things up for the year at school (except now I have enrolled for the summer) and I snagged myself a pretty sweet new phone. The death really threw me off for a bit there, so the School-work helped provide me with some purpose. Transferring all my stuff (300 or so apps and a thousand or so songs) to my new phone has been a monumental task and I am still working at it.
Lots of homework, lot's of drama. Too much death. I just was not able to blog. At times like that I find myself very grateful to have some good music to get me through it all. I will get back to my list real soon. But in the mean time (for the sake of a quick and easy post or three), here is another great double pack from Voicedude. I had a sneak peak at these a little before they were released (like a month ago, I know!). It was worth the wait. There have been tonnes of new Gotye mashups and remixes lately, and these are two of the very best. And the videos are as amazing as the tunes.
Voicedude (Audio) GonzoJam Productions (Video) - Somebody That I Used To Sleep With - - mp3 - Gotye & Kimbra "Somebody That I Used To Know" vs The Romantics "Talking In Your Sleep"
Voicedude (Audio) GonzoJam Productions (Video) - Somebody That I Blue Monday - - mp3 - Gotye & Kimbra "Somebody That I Used To Know" vs New Order "Blue Monday"